Sunday, December 6, 2015



MR. MCQUILLING 2015-2016

Course Overview
This course is designed to provide a broad overview of Visual Art-making. A variety of methods, materials and techniques will be introduced to encourage playful exploration, experimentation and development of skill and knowledge. We will look at art making from a variety of perspectives with the overall goal of developing our own unique and personal art making practice.

Assessments / Grading
Students are expected to complete each assignment to the best of his/her ability and develop and cultivate individual skills of observation, problem solving, creative thinking and self- expression. Each student’s quarter grade will be determined through class projects and a compilation of warm up assignments that make up a quarterly sketchbook (worth one project grade). Each project will be graded “Standards Based” using a rubric reflecting each project’s criteria. The Grading Scale is as follows:

Highly Proficient = 3.5 - 4

Proficient = 2.5 – 3.4

Close to Proficient = 1.5 – 2.4

Developing Proficiency = 0 – 1.4 

**Project and Homework Deadlines

Late Work = Subtract 5 percentage points each day
If you are struggling to complete assignments on time please see the teacher for assistance.

Studio Procedures

Come into the studio ready to work.
Be ready for creative action.
Take out your work upon entering the room.
You are expected to focus on your work with minimal talking and distractions.

You are responsible for the care of tools and keeping your space clean and organized.
You are responsible for following clean up procedures in your area before leaving the room.

Stop working when given 5-7 minute cleanup warning. 
After clean up remain in your seats until the bell rings. 
Display a positive attitude. :)

The materials you are using.
The teacher.
Your peers, their ideas and feedback.
Prohibited in my class
Headsets / Ipods etc.
Cell phones (visible).
Vulgar language.
Misuse or waste of materials.
Handling of work that doesn’t belong to you. Disrespect to anyone.
Excessive talking, consistent disruptions.
Cutting class.
Hats, hoods, etc.
*Consequences for violation can result in: reduced studio time / phone call to parent/ grade point deductions / detention/write up.

Policies on lateness

Sign in the late log if you are more than 2 minutes late after the bell rings, consistent lateness will result in a conference to help you get to class on time.

Notes/ passes
  • Please request my written permission to miss class when involved in any activity outside this
  • If you are involved in sports, please notify me of your absence in advance.
  • Any unexcused absence will result in a cut slip, detention and phone call to parent.
  • You are responsible for getting any work, assignments or information that you missed during
    your absence.
  • Sports participants- it is your responsibility to inform me of games that involve you missing
    I’m looking forward to working with you this year!

    Mr. McQuilling

    *** Although it is not required I strongly encourage you to purchase a Hardcover non spiral bound sketchbook. 

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